God is Light

1 John 1:5 says, "God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all," so whenever I see the sun, and especially when it's shining on me, towards me, or all around me, it's like God is wrapping me up in loving Heavenly hug! There's such a presence of warmth, comfort, and peace that I can hardly explain. I know God love me even on overcast, cloudy days, but when I'm just going along about my day, or perhaps curled up in the living room, and the sun peeks through the clouds and sun rays spill out towards me, it warms my heart in such a special way. It feels like as the sun's rays stretch out further, God Himself is reaching for me. And THAT is an incredible feeling: that Great Big God is never too busy to shine His love on me, just to let me know He's thinking of me! It literally lights up my face and whole countenance, when I consider just how thoughtful God is!  I'm learning many things about how He loves us, and "thoughtfully" is definitely one of them! ~love & hugs ❤️
